Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Guide to the Best Dubai Hotels

Dubai has become known as a millionaire’s playground, with many celebrities and movie stars owning villas and apartments there. However in recent years the Gulf state of Dubai has become one of the most popular destinations for Europeans wanting some sun for a few days, and to party at the many bars and clubs which have sprung up over the past few years. As a result, there is a multitude of choice when it comes to choosing from a variety of Dubai hotels.

There is a huge selection of Dubai hotels, from 7 star luxury, complete with gold plated taps, to more basic 2 and 3 star accommodation for the budget traveller. What is for sure|definite, is that you will be able to find one of the many Dubai hotels which meets your exact requirements.
Of the most luxurious and feature packed Dubai hotels, perhaps the Atlantic Hotel wins this prize. This hotel opened a few months ago surrounded by a sea of celebrities, including Robert de Niro and Denzel Washington, and Kylie Minogue even performed a concert (which the organisers reportedly paid $4 million!).
Dubai has long been famous for its wide range of activities on offer – the air conditioning provided by Dubai hotels are great to escape the intense heat of the midday sun, but when it gets a bit cooler in the late afternoon, you can engage in a multitude of activities, such as the world’s biggest indoor ski resort, or even skiing in the desert! However, guests at the Atlantis Hotel hardly need to leave their hotel for the entire duration of their stay, as the activities available are so plentiful – you can even swim with dolphins, or spend time at the enormous water park on the site.
However, the prize for the most elegant and extravagant of Dubai hotels must be awarded to the Burj al Arab. This is the only 7 star hotel in the world, and sits on top of a man made island. This hotel has welcomed millionaires and billionaires from all over the world, and even royalty have stayed at this most famous of Dubai hotels.
However, if you are on a tighter budget, there are still hundreds, if not thousands of other Dubai hotels you can choose from. Before you book a room, however, make sure that the hotel meets all of your requirements - for example – does it have a pool, is there a restaurant, is it close to the beach, or the business district, and how far is the closest shopping mall? Everyone has different requirements when they come to Dubai, so make sure that you choose a hotel which is right for you.

No matter which of the many Dubai hotels you choose, in terms of how much you will have to pay for your hotel room, it definitely pays to carry out research on the internet beforehand. One site I frequently use to book Dubai hotels is Dubai Short You can book rooms for any of the above mentioned Dubai hotels at this site, and the prices are the lowest I can ever find.

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