Thursday, October 1, 2009

What You Should Know About Dubai Hotels

From being a small fishing hamlet to a major meeting point for the traders from across Asia. From being a modest port at the coast of Gulf to one of the richest economies in the entire region. From an insignificant bunch of tribesmen to being one of the most influential emirates of UAE. Dubai has seen it all in what could be termed as a very small chapter of modern history. One should not be surprised therefore, why it went on to become one of the best economies and tourism spots of the modern times. Subsequently, Dubai has had to cope with the influx of a very large number of travelers each year.

The city had no option but to build world class hotels to take care of these surging crowds. There are roughly two dozen five-star hotels and an equally good number of other lodging facilities available in Dubai right now. These facilities include some of the most expensive hotels you might have seen ever. Also available are the inexpensive facilities that can take care of the low-end needs. There are several defining aspects that make these hotels very special. Some of these are being listed and described below.

1. A wide range of facilities are available to choose from. The rates can be as low as $60 per night to as high as $1K or more, depending on the nature of services one was looking forward to. Most of these Dubai hotels, low and high-end both in kinds, provide world-class care for anybody's stay there. Most of them can be accessed through the Internet and bookings can be fetched much in advance. These Hotels are normally situated within various trade-zones, thus making access to all important venues easy, including that to commercial hubs, road links, airport etc.

2. Dubai's tourism is expected to grow at a handsome rate for the next several years, before hitting a plateau. It will therefore make the hotel industry one of the key areas where Dubai's planners might be looking forward to spend some additional thoughts on. Recently a government communiqué suggested, $27 billion will be made available to double the hotel accommodation by the year 2016, meaning an addition of about 29,000 more hotel rooms. The message from the authorities is very clear. They are going to take care of the hotel industry, as dearly as they would do of any other project.

3. Dubai is home to some 8,00,000 expatriates from numerous countries, making out roughly 80% of its total composition. This has caused an inflow of alien ideas, cultures and languages in a land of Islamic beliefs. Unlike some of its neighboring states though, Dubai offers a very pluralistic environment for its expatriates to live in the way they might wish to. Thus, one can find even Churches, Sikh Gurdwaras and Hindu temples dotting the map of this desert outpost, and people from different faiths and cultures living in complete cohesion. The fusion of Arabic culture with its counterparts from the rest of world is a distinct identity, Dubai normally gets known and appreciated for. The same applies to its world-class hotels as well.

In brief, Dubai hotels are one of the most planned and managed ones in the entire world. They have closely been made part of the government's tourism and trade objectives. Like Dubai, hotels do also have evolved into having a cosmopolitan face. Travelers moving to this part of the world will definitely love to experience this unique phenomenon.

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